Team 19

In 2018, over 2000 wildfires burned within BC, destroying over 1,350,000 hectares of forest, making it the worst fire season on record. All of the team members reside in BC and therefore it was an eye opening experience when the air quality in Vancouver dropped to number 5 worst air quality in a major city around the world because of the wildfires. Roughly 40% of the wildfires are caused by humans and that is a sizable portion that could be prevented. Our team came up with the idea of creating a game to educate our players while keeping them entertained.

The game we created incorporates educational content such as popup facts into the gameplay and we also included an extra resources page on our website for players who are interested in learning more after playing our game. Our mission is to increase awareness about forest fires among the younger generation, in order to decrease human causes of the wildfires.

Debby's Picture

Debby Chiu

Debby Chiu is a CST student at BCIT. Growing up as a second generation Canadian of Asian descent, she is frequently asked “Where are you from?” to which she answers “Canada!”. She hopes to one day be freed of the awkwardness of answering that question as well as correcting the spelling of her name. She was introduced to technology early on in life as her father was an avid fan of computer games. From there, she became interested in learning about technology and its effects on the world around us. In her free time, she enjoys playing video games, binge watching a wide variety of shows/movies, and spending time with her loved ones. She has worked in the front-end of Loblaws City Market, and as a server at Gyo-O Japanese restaurant. She hopes to graduate from BCIT with a broader range of skills and lifelong friendships.

Josh's Picture

Joshua Geransky

Joshua Geransky is a CST student at BCIT and has lived in British Columbia his entire life. He recently graduated from high school and hasn’t had much in the way of job experience, although he does have a somewhat successful YouTube channel by the name of ‘91Tech’ that focuses on older technology. Josh isn’t a terribly passionate person but considers himself to at least do have a decent job on most projects he works on, including this one. When he’s not using Comic Sans Josh enjoys watching Netflix until his eyes dry out or playing the odd video game- until he gets bored of that and replays Skyrim for the millionth time. He also owns a 2015 Ford Mustang that he is much too proud of. Josh aspires to be completely self-employed one day, but for now is hard at work attempting to pass his classes at BCIT.

Sasha's Picture

Aleksandra Sorokina

Aleksandra is a CST student at BCIT, she is passionate about technology solutions to the pressing environmental and social issues. Aleksandra recently worked on an Ecocity related project with a team of fellow CST students called Greenpoints that would allow users to earn points for recycling. Currently, she is working with a team of passionate individuals to implement an educational game for children and adults to increase awareness about the dangers of the forest fires and about preventive measures that everyone has to learn. When she is not working on the projects, she enjoys hiking at the local trails in Vancouver, reading motivational literature, and dancing at the social dancing events.

Justin's Picture

Justin Tendeck

Justin is a first-term CST student at BCIT. He hopes to one day work as a software developer and take up game development as a hobby. Before coming to BCIT, he attended the Media Arts Production program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic then worked as a television producer for 4 years. He hopes to use his repertoire of skills to create applications that improve the lives of its users, as well as make games that bring people together for some fun!

Edmond's Picture

Edmond Wong

Edmond Wong is a first-term computer systems technology (CST) student at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. He has helped create a disaster survival assistant web application and is currently creating a web application to promote awareness of forest fires. During his time off when he is not being bombarded by course work, Edmond enjoys reading, writing and trying to actually win on Overwatch with his six stack.

1. What is the goal?

The goal is to keep the forest alive for as long as possible. As a player you can extinguish fires that pop up by clicking on them (You get points for doing it too, so click away and get that high score!).

2. Why do I see burnt trees?

When you let a tree burn for too long, it will become a burnt tree (poor tree). Burnt trees catch on fire more easily than regular trees, so make sure the remove them quickly.

3. How can I win?

In reality it is difficult to stop the spreading of wild fires, so to reflect this there is no winning against forest fires in our game. As the player, you want to do your best to keep the forest alive for as long as possible.

4. Who we made this game for?

Everyone! Our mission is to educate users of all ages on the dangers of wild fires and the methods of prevention of the fires. As the game progresses, interesting facts about wild fires will be displayed. If you want to learn more feel free to head over to our learn page.

We hope our game can be used in schools by teachers to educate their students in an entertaining way. By increasing the awareness of forest fire awareness in the younger generation, we hope less wild fires will occur in the first place.

5. How can I provide feedback?

Feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions at

Fire animation from graphic artist Sharm at open game art.

Orientation icon from Icons8.